5 Tips for Military Spouses Making Resolutions


It’s that time of year again! A brand-new calendar stretched out before you with nothing but possibility. Although, in my experience, January 1st is usually spent watching college football and eating Ruffles potato chips with an obscene amount of French onion dip. January 2nd, then, or any day in the first month, really, is an excellent time to look ahead and find resolutions.    

It’s easy, as a military spouse, to forget about your own identity and goals, when it seems all anyone asks you for is your sponsor’s social.

As we head into the new year, take some time to think about your goals, dreams, and plans.

Here are my top 5 tips for making resolutions as a military spouse:

  1. Evaluate: What will be different this year? How will you become a better version of yourself? Will you finally lose the weight? Declutter the house? Apply for that job? Finish college? Start that business? What keeps you up at night? You know, that thing inside that you keep trying to ignore, but somehow keeps resurfacing. The new year is a perfect time to get organized and focus on yourself.

  2. Identify Limitations: Where are you stationed? Do you have child-care? Are there virtual options for work or school? In the military, each duty station will offer different opportunities. Find what will work for you currently, and trust that some goals may need to wait until your next duty station or season of life.

  3. Seize the Day: Take full advantage of where you’re stationed when deciding on your goals for the year. Military life offers unique opportunities to live in all sorts of places in this world, and what better time to think about how you’ll experience it all than the beginning of the year.

  4. Write it Down: Resolutions have a much better chance of actually happening when they are written down where you can see it every day. It’s easy to throw in the towel when life gets challenging. Having your goals written down and visible will give you the best chance of remembering your “why.”

  5. Give Yourself Grace: Military life is unpredictable. You might make plans and then have to move in two weeks, or your spouse might deploy. This is our reality, and being aware of these possibilities is important as you set out to become a better version of yourself this year. While it shouldn’t deter you from moving forward, give yourself grace if you have a setback. Even if you don’t move as fast as you’d like toward your goal, the important thing is that you are heading in the right direction.

Bonus Tip: Speak up! Clearly stating your resolutions to your family or trusted friends will help keep you accountable to your goals when challenges arise.  

Cheers to your resolutions, staying motivated and making this year the best yet!

Carlie James Petrovics is a freelance writer originally from Georgetown, Delaware. (4).png