3 of the Best Ways to Spring into Mental Health Wellness


April is best known for spring cleaning and showers. It’s a season of growth, change, and redevelopment. With the seasonal changes, we are provided the opportunity to bring new things into our lives. What opportunity does this present you? How does managing your mental health fit into the seasonal changes of spring? Here are 3 of the best ways to help you spring into your mental health wellness:

  1. Move your body:

Are you getting enough exercise to help your physical and mental health? Bodily movement can have a significant impact on your physical health and your daily mood. It’s also just as important to work on moving your mind. Here are some ideas to help you get moving:

  • Zumba

  • Take the dog for a walk

    Go to the park

  • YMCA

  • Check out your local housing office or installation website for a listing of gyms available for use in the area

  • Complete a word puzzle

  • Meditation

    2. Balance yourself out:

How do you feel daily? Are you sluggish, tired, and generally dragging through the day? Are you on edge, anxious and jittery? Do you feel balanced? What you put into your body is important to your overall mental health and physical wellness! Here are some ideas to get you thinking about your body balance:

  • Keep a food diary for a week to see what and how much you are eating

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Find brain food: foods high in Omega-3, Zinc, and Vitamin K are responsible for brain functioning that impacts mood (11 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory)

    3. Create a want-to-do list:

How long is that to-do list right now? How much of it do you want to do? Spring cleaning is the perfect time to clean out the old and prepare for the new! Develop a list of things you want to do and will enjoy. When thinking about this list, consider jotting down things that give you joy, hope and inspire you. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Mini vacations to that close destination you have been putting off

  • Learning to play a musical instrument

  • Volunteer or join an organization you find important

  • Schedule time out with friends or your spouse

  • Try a new class (painting, sewing, cooking, etc.)

So take our advice, embrace this season of change and spring into your mental wellness with a fresh start!
