USAJOBS Tips for Military Spouses


Federal Employment Coaching Packages Available Through SECO.

The SECO Federal Employment Coaching Package provides ongoing and individualized resources and support to military spouses seeking federal employment and/or those already federally employed. Some of the topics covered in this coaching program include: federal employment resources, federal job search strategies, networking, job application processes and resume and cover letter writing skills. Below are examples of what some sessions may cover:

  • Career coaching sessions include an introductory session for the spouse to explain their unique situation to get the career coach oriented to their federal employment experience, barriers, networking, and career aspirations. Throughout sessions, coaches discuss the academic pathways and federal internships for a desired federal career field. The coach and spouse also focus on updating spouse resumes to fit chosen federal industries and positions via the MySECO Resume Builder and other templates ensuring that resumes are tailored to the federal job description for each position chosen. 

  • Coaches will inform spouses about the Military Spouse Preference program, which falls under the Department of Defense’s Priority Placement Program giving hiring preferences to military spouses applying for certain DoD positions. Finally, following up with agencies, interview preparation, dressing for success and learning the ins and outs of the USAJOBS website are on the menu for spouses in the federal career coaching program with MSEP.

  • Video workshops covering global job search, resume, interview, negotiating, LinkedIn, networking, hiring fairs, personal branding and building your dream career are included in this link from the 2019 Virtual Military Spouse Symposium:

  • There are free tools and resources available on MySECO. Access career assessments, participate in video mock interviews, explore career coaching packages, enhance your resume, make employment connections and more all from MySECO. Go to to learn more.

Hire Heroes USA

Whether you're in the beginning stages of preparing your federal resume draft or you're very familiar with the process, Hire Heroes USA can provide guidance and support during your search. Hire Heroes USA does NOT have the capacity to write federal resumes and the assistance you'll receive is a thorough critique of your federal resume and guidance on the federal employment sector.

Connect with Us

For military spouses seeking additional career resources, check out MSAN’s Free Career Resources for Military Spouses article to explore branch-specific resources and more. Keep an eye out on our Career & Employment page for new resources and follow our social media groups to connect with fellow military spouses.

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MSAN - New Military Spouse Support Forum on Facebook

MSAN Main Facebook Page

The #2 problem faced by our 13,000+ MSAN members is employment following only deployments as the #1 issue. I am working diligently to bridge the gap between our incredible military spouse tribe and the resources you need. I’m never too busy to help you. If you have any questions or need career and employment-related guidance, please contact me at
